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Playful motivation for daily multimodal training and diagnostics: the AktivDaheim game for people with dementia

Beteiligte Autoren der JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Paletta, Lucas; Panagl, Mariella; Kuenstner, Manuela; Steiner, Josef; Lerch, Alexander; Lerch, Marianne; Lefkopoulos, Philipp; Fellner, Maria
Living at home as long as possible with adequate and sufficient care is a key objective in the treatment of persons with dementia. Most therapies exclusively focus on the stimulation of cognitive processes, however, scientific studies clarified that locomotion and social activities positively and significantly impact the progress of dementia. Favoring multimodal training units that are jointly performed by carer and people with dementia, a fundamental challenge remains in the daily motivation for exercise. In the Austrian project AktivDaheim (active@home) a serious game was developed in a concept of multimodal training particularly for people who intend to stay at home as long as possible. Key element is an interactive mat sensing about the playful experience of a floor based mat game being performed within a social event of people with dementia. Sensed data are transferred to a Tablet PC equipped with a recommender engine delivering personalized exercise units to enable joyful experience regardless the participants progress in dementia disease. Personalised data from the game provide indications for appropriate tuning of weekly training sessions facilitated by informal carer using an easily configurable service on the Tablet PC. Home based, playful training units are performed using wearable sensing of psychophysiological and eye movement based information for the continuous monitoring of individual dementia profiles. A key problem in developing knowledge about dementia and its impacting factors is the lack of data about the mental and physical processes as they evolve over time, and longitudinal quantitative studies about dementia are rare. The AktivDaheim game as well as its sensing and diagnostic toolbox offer affordances for entertaining, measuring and analysis of cognition and locomotion based behavioral parameters, with the purpose to enable people with dementia to stay longer at home and finally to stop or slow down the progress of disease.
Playful motivation for daily multimodal training and diagnostics: the AktivDaheim game for people with dementia


Copenhagen, Denmark
Alzheimer Europe Conference 2016
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