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A success story: 5 years of COREMED

5 years ago, the Medical University of Graz and JOANNEUM RESEARCH entered into a co-operation to establish the research field of regenerative medicine. Over the last few years, the COREMED research centre has achieved great success and significantly expanded knowledge in this future-oriented medical field.


Rückansicht: Mann mit lila T-Shirt mit COREMED-Slogan "Forschung, die verbindet"

Das 5-Jahre-Jubiläum stand ganz unter dem Motto "Forschung, die verbindet". Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Kubista

Against the background of the demographic development towards an ageing society, the topics of wound healing and healthy ageing are explosive. The COREMED team provides excellent research work in this area and increases our international visibility in this innovative field of research.
Heinz Mayer, Managing Director of JOANNEUM RESEARCH

Well embedded in a strong local network, 16 doctors and researchers led by innovation driver Lars-Peter Kamolz are working on issues relating to regenerative medicine and precision medicine.The focus is on wound healing and healthy ageing.

There is plenty of potential in this future-oriented field of research: demographic change is in full swing and countries are facing major challenges to ensure that their healthcare and social systems can cope with demographic change. According to the WHO, 80 per cent of older people will live in low- and middle-income countries by 2050. In 2020, there were already more people aged 60 or over worldwide than children under the age of 5. The pace of population ageing is much faster than in the past. The proportion of the world's population aged over 60 will almost double from 12 per cent (2015) to 22 per cent by 2050. Against this backdrop, the WHO has declared the 2020s theDecade of Healthy Ageing.

COREMED, the Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Precision Medicine, was founded in 2018 as part of a collaboration between JOANNEUM RESEARCH and the Medical University of Graz. The highly motivated team can now look back on numerous successes: The establishment of the Laboratory for Wound Healing (which succeeded despite supply bottlenecks during the corona crisis) including the development of clinically close wound healing models, networked research projects and their publication, which have led to a better understanding of the importance of the inflammatory process in the context of wound healing, scarring and ageing, as well as sustainable improvements in the field of modern burn treatment.

An interdisciplinary team is currently working across institutes to develop human organ-on-a-chip systems. The aim is to develop modern and relevant test systems for drug and medical product development and testing.
In addition, animal testing can be avoided on the basis of these new test systems.

Lars Kamolz, Director of COREMED: "The networked research and development of today is the diagnostics and therapy of tomorrow. COREMED's research is relevant to the future and sustainable."

Hellmut Samonigg, Rector of the Medical University of Graz: "The Medical University of Graz is proud to make a significant contribution to regenerative medicine together with JOANNEUM RESEARCH at the COREMED centre. This collaboration creates a unique platform for interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer, enabling us to work together to make progress in medical science and thus improve people's health and well-being."

Facts & Figures

  • COREMED has set itself the goal of better understanding the fundamental healing processes and supporting them in a targeted manner. This should lead to the development of new products and therapies.
  • Over the past 5 years, COREMED has processed a project volume totalling around 4.4 million euros.
  • The number of employees has doubled since the founding year.
  • COREMED is the JOANNEUM RESEARCH research unit with the highest proportion of women.

Want to know more about regenerative medicine and precision medicine? Please contact us: coremed@joanneum.at

Gruppenfoto: COREMED-Direktor Lars Kamolz, Waltraud Schinko-Neuroth, Karin Schaupp, Caroline Schober und JOANNEUM-RESEARCH-Geschäftsführer Heinz Mayer vor dem ZWT Accelerator
Lars Kamolz, Waltraud Schinko-Neuroth, Karin Schaupp, Caroline Schober und Heinz Mayer. Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Kubista


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