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Total project duration:

1 Jahre

Archiving software archivis pro in the Carinthian Provincial Archives
Foto: Kärntner Landesarchiv

Foto: Kärntner Landesarchiv

The project

Experts from Institut DIGITAL have developed and implemented a customised archive information system for the Carinthian Provincial Archives based on our successful archivis pro. This means that the web research tool KLAIS - Klagenfurt Provincial Archives Information System with around 300,000 archival data records is now available to the historically interested public.

Our activities in the project

The archivis pro developed by the experts at DIGITAL was customised to the requirements of the Carinthian Provincial Archives and successfully implemented. A special feature of the project was that the system was customised in such a way that the employees of the Provincial Archives were able to transfer the data to the new system themselves. This meant that the KLAIS web research tool could be implemented at the end of the project.

Kärntner Landesarchiv

Project details

The Carinthian Provincial Archives have existed as a scientific institution since 1904 and collect, preserve and catalogue historically relevant written and pictorial sources of the province of Carinthia and make them available to all people interested in the history of the province. In order to do justice to this task, the State Archives were looking for an archive information system and found what they were looking for in our clear and user-friendly system archivis pro. Our documentation system for archives offers a comprehensive solution for cataloguing holdings and scientific documentation and can be flexibly adapted to customer-specific requirements. In the course of the project, this made it possible to make continuous adjustments to the configuration of the system in order to enable the user to meet a wide range of user requirements. It is precisely this agile development process with iterative steps in development that enables the optimal mapping of specific processes of the user and the perfection of the associated entry masks and research masks.

A special feature of this project was the data transfer process. Until now, the entire data transfer was usually carried out by our own IT specialists, but the Carinthian State Archives wanted to carry out the old data transfer themselves. Thus, data transfer routines had to be brought into a generally usable form so that they could be used by non-IT experts without any problems. In numerous workshops, sufficient knowledge could be passed on so that the team of the State Archives could successfully transfer the data from the old system on their own.

The highlight at the end of the project was the activation of the web research tool KLAIS – Klagenfurt State Archive Information System in December 2012. Here, approximately 300,000 archival records can be searched without access restrictions. In addition to the "simple" full-text search, not only is an advanced search available for more complex queries, but the holdings structure can also be used as a navigation aid according to archival tectonics.

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