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Projects -  

FAIRWork - bringing together people, AI, data and robots




Total project duration:

3 Years

AI-based decision & recommendation systems for complex ecosystems in the workplace

The project

Today's automated and hierarchically structured production processes are not up to the coming flexibilisation. We promote the ‘democratisation’ of decision-making in production processes, i.e. the participation of all stakeholders, by introducing a decentralised AI system. Our Democratic AI-based Decision Support System (DAI-DSS)democratically finds the right decision for a specific situation in production with the support of artificial intelligence and optimisation strategies.

Our activities in the project

The most important contributions of FAIRWORKS are:

  • AI-based optimisation algorithms that use various AI and mathematical optimisation techniques. In general, these algorithms are designed to solve difficult problems in the areas of resource allocation, task planning and decision-making processes with constraints.
  • Digital services are offered to measure the psychophysiological stress of people in production environments. Physiological and cognitive-emotional stress is an important factor that influences socio-technical decision-making systems.

Project details

Hybrid decision-making to optimise the production process A hybrid decision-making model uses both machine-centric and human-centric elements. However, pairing humans with machines can be a challenge. The EU-funded FAIRWork project will deliver a decision support system that integrates digital twins that optimise the entire production process according to multiple parameters and democratise decision making so that workers and machines can participate in decision making. The project combines model-based approaches to transparently design, simulate and improve decision-making, co-creation lab models and physical experiments as communication media, as well as reliable data and AI algorithms.

We want to change decision-making in current production processes in the direction of cooperative decision-making by ...

  • Introduction of concepts that strengthen employees' confidence in decision-making, regardless of whether the decision is made by a human, an AI or in a hybrid form,
  • enable co-operative decision-making to capture the real situation more fully and holistically, and
  • introduce more influencing factors to transform the current automated and hierarchical system into cooperative networks with individual responsibilities and competences.


The production process is the central knowledge platform and the starting point for analysing which contradictory or relevant ‘decisions’ need to be made, by whom, with what information and for what purpose.


We support human decision-makers in making decisions ...

  • under uncertainty
  • with strong dependence on unknown future events
  • with effects on the balance between man and machine
  • with effects on the overall success of the production process
  • making the best possible use of the available data
  • in an often very complex and conflict-laden situation


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