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Digitalisation in health and care

Digitalisation is revolutionising medicine and the healthcare sector by bringing about better patient care through more efficient processes.
Digitalisierung in der Medizin

Die Digitalisierung in der Medizin wird die Rahmenbedingungen ändern. Bild: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Schwarzl

Training systems for emergency services

Development of VR (XR)-supported training systems with wearables (biosensor technology, eye tracking) and digital human factors analyses for real-time visualisation of stress, attention and situational awareness in critical situations. In the field, biosensor shirts and smart glasses serve as input devices for decision support with a dashboard.


Decision support for behavioural modification

Development of assistance systems for decision support based on digital data from training, serious games, interaction in VR and AR, and wearables with biosensor technology; development of digital biomarkers for risk analyses for the early detection of dementia as well as physiological and cognitive-emotional overload.

Activation of cognitive abilities

Development of software platforms and apps for the activation of vulnerable people with dementia, long COVID, autism, based on tablets, smartphones, virtual and augmented reality, as well as social robotics, with sensor-based feedback and assessment. Many years of experience with human-centred technology development.

Digitalisation in the healthcare sector

Process knowledge from medicine and care meets intelligent ‘bottom-up’ digitalisation. We support and empower system-relevant professional groups in the intramural and extramural sector with software solutions: Process optimisation, process documentation, quality assurance, risk prediction, interprofessional collaboration and communication.

Decision support systems

We specialise in the development and clinical validation of ICT-based systems for medical decision and work process support and develop clinical algorithms based on evidence-based instructions. Development is carried out in accordance with IEC 62366 and IEC 62304.

Medical sensors and diagnostic systems

We develop optical chemo- and biosensors as compact analytical systems for the continuous detection of chemical (e.g. O2, CO2) or biological substances as well as complete measuring systems for special applications in medical and performance diagnostics.

Products and services – Health and care

Projekte aus dem Geschäftsfeld Health and care

Digitalisation in health and care

Your contact!

DI Harald Mayer
Deputy Director DIGITAL
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