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Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation

Contributing authors of JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Žuvela-Aloise M., Andre K., Kaltenegger I., Lettmayer G., Schwaiger H., Bird D.N.
The climate change projections for the Austrian cities indicate that the observed warming trend, including frequent occurrences of extreme heat events, is expected to continue in the coming decades. Due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, caused by modification of energy balance in the built-up environment, the cities are warmer than their rural surroundings and therefore more exposed to negative impacts of climate change. During prolonged heat wave events, the excess in heat combined with reduced night-time cooling, decreased ventilation and possible air pollution can cause severe health impacts on the urban population. Developing measures for reduction of the UHI effect is important in the context of sustainable urban development and climate sensitive urban planning. Number of counteracting measures such as increase in vegetation, green open spaces, green roofs, unsealing of paved surfaces, decreasing absorption of solar radiation by increasing the reflectiveness of buildings and paved surfaces, are considered in the scope of climate change adaptation strategies. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these measures, as well as their applicability in the existing urban structure, especially in the densely-built environments is not well known. Moreover, the expected cooling effects need to be quantified and the possible application should be communicated and appropriately planned with the relevant stakeholders in order to anticipate a large-scale implementation. This study investigates the effective methods for application of climate adaptation measures to reduce the UHI effect in a densely built-up environment on an example of the residential and business district of Jakomini in the city of Graz/Styria. The current local climate conditions are simulated with the urban climate model MUKLIMO_3 of the German Weather Service (DWD) using meteorological, geomorphological and land use data from the city of Graz. The simulations with altered land use characteristics corresponding to application of different UHI counteracting measures are calculated and compared to the reference simulation. The gradual increase in green areas, existing potential for green roofs implementation, modification in reflectivity of roofs and façades as well as unsealing of paved surfaces is considered. The resulting difference in heat load is evaluated as the potential cooling effect for the area of the Jakomini district and its surroundings. Based on the model results, a set of measures with optimal climatic impact is identified in close cooperation with the city’s planning department and in accordance with already existing concepts, plans and projects. This information is communicated with the relevant stakeholder groups both from private and public sectors to get their commitment to definitely undertake measures in the test-district. Considering the respective interests and role of action of different stakeholder groups a set of target measures is selected for further technical, financial and administrative planning of implementation. The study is supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) within the Smart Cities project “JACKY_cool_check” (Project Nr. 855554).
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
Herausgeber (Verlag):
Presented at RealCorp Conference, 2017, Vienna


Presented at RealCorp Conference, 2017, Vienna
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