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ESTIV Congress 2024

The 22 nd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2024) is set to convene in the historic and picturesque city of Prague from June 3-6, 2024.

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Cubex Center Prague, Na Strži 2097/63, 140 00 Praha 4



Centered around the pivotal theme, ‘The Application of NAMs in Drug Discovery and Drug and Chemical Safety Assessment,’ the congress promises to be a comprehensive platform for professionals to showcase and discuss the latest advancements and research in the field.


The congress aims to:

  • Showcase the latest scientific advancements and innovations in the field.
  • Facilitate discussions on regulatory acceptance and implementation of new testing methods.
  • Provide networking opportunities for professionals across academia, industry, and regulatory bodies.
  • Encourage the integration of in vitro and in silico methods into toxicological research and safety assessments.
  • Promote education and training in the latest toxicological techniques and models.


Key Features

  • Plenary Sessions: Led by distinguished speakers, these sessions cover groundbreaking topics and global trends in toxicology.
  • Symposia and Workshops: Focused on specific areas of interest, offering in-depth discussions and hands-on learning experiences.
  • Poster Sessions: An opportunity for researchers to present their work and receive feedback from peers and experts.
  • Exhibition: Showcases the latest technologies, products, and services from companies and organizations in the field.
  • Networking Events: Facilitates connections and collaborations among attendees from diverse backgrounds and expertise.
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