Research expertise 

Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Precision Medicine

As a centre for regenerative medicine and precision medicine, we focus on healing the human body through regenerative technologies rather than simply treating symptoms. Our research aims to better understand key processes (e.g. wound healing, scarring, skin ageing) and to use the newly acquired knowledge to develop new customised treatments in the spirit of precision medicine.
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Research groups

We research regenerative processes in the human body and how these can be specifically activated for treatments in the sense of precision medicine. We also investigate the interaction between humans and their environment with a special focus on the human ageing process and the development of chronic diseases.

Products & services

We develop clinical models adapted to the problem at hand (e.g. to answer questions on physiological and pathological wound healing, scarring and skin ageing). We also offer services related to the development, evaluation and testing of wound dressings and other medical products (e.g. skin substitutes and matrices).

Research infrastructure

We have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of objective wound evaluation, including wound documentation. We also have a new, modern BSL-2 laboratory (including methods for molecular biological analyses and for culturing and analysing primary cells).


As part of our projects, we research physiological and pathological processes (e.g. acute wound healing, chronic wound healing including wound healing disorders, scarring and skin ageing). To this end, we develop and characterise clinically relevant models that can subsequently be used for the development and testing of dressing materials and other medical products (e.g. skin replacement materials).


Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Precision Medicine

Your contact

Univ.-Prof. Lars-Peter Kamolz, MSc
Director COREMED
Neue Stiftingtalstraße 2, 8010 Graz

Awards and standards