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A method to enhance the flexibility of collaborative human-robot workspaces through an extended safety perspective

Contributing authors of JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Brandstötter, Mathias; Komenda, Titanilla; Breitenhuber, Guido; Steiner, Martin; Laflamme, Catherine; Müller, Andreas; Rathmair, Michael; Hofbaur, Michael
For the adaptation of a process in a flexible production environment, robotic systems are basically a suitable option to ensure the required agility. In case of a human-robot work system, however, the flexibility of a robot is currently severely limited due to safety reasons; therefore, new tasks for the robot can only be implemented with significant additional effort. In this paper we present a method for the flexibilization of collaborative robot applications within the constraints of robot safety as defined by ISO/TS 15066. We will show how an in-depth analysis of foreseeable tasks during the start-up phase of a collaborative human-robot work system provides the basis for both, a flexible as well as safe use. An expert system and suitable mathematical models ensure these modifications of tasks and changes in the workplace can be automatically evaluated in terms of safety. As a result, even non-safety-experts can make modifications and operate the system without imposing additional risks.
A method to enhance the flexibility of collaborative human-robot workspaces through an extended safety perspective


15textsuperscriptth CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
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