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Real-time stress monitoring based on wearable sensors and physiological models

Contributing authors of JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Almer, A.; Weber, A.; Paletta, L.; Schneeberger, M.; Ladstätter, S.; Tschuden, J.; Wallner, D.; Hölzl, T.
In recent decades, the development of autonomous systems in the field of cyber defence have been a priority for military organizations. An increasingly important area is the field of "Human Factors" and within the framework of this research orientation, extensive development projects have also been launched for the physiological monitoring of soldiers, with important new possibilities arising from innovative developments in the field of biosensor technology. The aim here is to optimize human performance in the field with highly developed mission equipment and the interaction between man and machine. This article describes the main objectives of the VitalMonitor project, which is carried out in the frame of the Austrian Defence Research Program FORTE. The project focuses on the development of a real-time monitoring system for situation-dependent physiological load assessment on soldiers based on innovative body-worn biosensors integrated into clothing or equipment. Intelligent sensor fusion and data analysis methods enable an overview of the actual physical stress situation in military training, exercises or missions and a near real-time management of the individual stress situation as well as an optimized deployment strategy. © 2021 IDIMT 2021 - Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, 29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks All rights reserved.
Real-time stress monitoring based on wearable sensors and physiological models
Herausgeber (Verlag):
Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz


Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz
Kutna Hora; Czech Republic
29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks - Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, IDIMT 2021

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