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Safety of Mobile Robot Systems in Industrial Applications

Contributing authors of JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Markis, Alexandra; Papa, Maximilian; Kaselautzke, David; Rathmair, Michael; Sattinger, Vinzenz; Brandstötter, Mathias
The fourth industrial revolution is in full swing and according to ”BCC Research” a compound annual growthrate of 23.1% will be expected on the global market for the period of 2018 to 2023. Leading new technologies as mobile robotics and manipulator systems will facilitate more flexible and efficient production processes. Unfortunately, mentioned in the latest ”Statista” report, the complexity of mobile robotic systems and missing standards are one of the major obstacles for a broad rollout of mobile robot systems. This paper presents a selection of what is already possible in the field of mobile robots and mobile manipulation systems and gives an outlook on current and upcoming leading edge developments. We focus on the requirements of the industry and addresses the related barriers concerning the design and implementation of safe applications. As a result, we propose best practice, recommendations and first concepts to overcome the discussed challenges in implementation.
Safety of Mobile Robot Systems in Industrial Applications


Proceedings of the Joint ARW & OAGM Workshop

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