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Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of fluvial-deltaic sedimentary deposits in Gale crater, Mars, from rover-derived Digital Outcrop Models

Contributing authors of JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Barnes, Robert; Gupta, Sanjeev; Paar, Gerhard; Bauer, Arnold; Ortner, Thomas; Traxler, Christoph
Modern and ancient fluvial-deltaic systems on Earth contain highly diverse ecosystems in all terrestrial climates. Fluvial and lacustrine deposits have been discovered on Mars by the NASA Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity, and may be present in Oxia Planum, where the ESA/ROSCOSMOS ExoMars rover Rosalind Franklin is set to land in 2023. The primary aim of the ExoMars mission is to search for signs of past and present life on Mars. Whilst fluvio-deltaic-lacustrine sandstones and mudstones are high priority targets for sampling and drilling, it is important to obtain information on the palaeoenvironmental context of these deposits during mission exploration. The geometries of sedimentary structures and distribution of sedimentary facies within fluvial deposits provide information which can be used to reconstruct the geometries and flow parameters of these ancient systems. This provides us with quantitative means with which to make inferences on the ancient climate of Mars, and aids decision making with regards to rover science operations. Here we present a detailed quantitative 3D analysis of fluvial sedimentary architecture on Mars using rover image data. We used the 3D visualization software tool PRo3D1 to render the Shaler outcrop, observed at Yellowknife Bay by the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Rover, Curiosity2, as a scaled 3D textured model using the PRoViP 3D vision processing software3, and to map out key sedimentological features in order to characterize their geometry and dimensions, following existing facies descriptions4 .
Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of fluvial-deltaic sedimentary deposits in Gale crater, Mars, from rover-derived Digital Outcrop Models


Europlanet Science Congress 2020 EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-821

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