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Slovakian ambassador visits Graz

On 27 May 2024, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Austria, Jozef Polakovič, visited JOANNEUM RESEARCH and other institutions at the site on the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Slovakia, Friedrich Sperl.

Gruppenbild vor der Volkshochschule

from left: Honorary Consul Friedrich Sperl, Deputy Director Chamber of Labour Bettina Schrittwieser, Director Chamber of Labour Josef Pesserl, Ambassador Polakovič, Adriana Dubenova, Regional Councillor Ursula Lackner, Head of Corporate Communications JR Gabriele Katz, JR-Authorised signatory Renate Reinisch, Photo: JOANNEUM RESEARCH

Renate Reinisch, authorised signatory of JOANNEUM RESEARCH, and Communications Manager Gabriele Katz accompanied the delegation. The programme included the Hydrogen Research Centre Austria (HyCentA), followed by the Graz Adult Education Centre and our DIGITAL Institute. In the image processing laboratory, the visit was impressed by our innovative residual waste scanner, which uses hyperspectral analysis to characterise materials for waste separation. The aim of the technology is to promote the recovery and recycling of recyclable materials from all possible sources in order to achieve climate and sustainability goals. At present, recyclable materials from waste streams can hardly or not at all be recycled, making it all the more important to recognise and process the scarce and limited resources with the least possible use of energy and processing aids.

In the evening, Ambassador Polakovič attended the award ceremony by Governor Christopher Drexler at the Old University of Graz. Among others, Honorary Consul Friedrich Sperl received the Golden Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria. He has been Deputy Chairman of our Supervisory Board since 2017 and was a pioneer in strengthening the south-east axis (Carinthia and Burgenland sites). More

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