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Launch of a new EU initiative to accelerate the development of emerging semiconductor chips

The HORIZON Europe project INFRACHIP aims to accelerate the development of emerging semiconductor chips through technology access, support, and training.

Logo Infrachip

We are a partner in the INFRACHIP project, which aims to facilitate access to state-of-the-art technologies in the field of semiconductors to accelerate research and innovation and respond to challenges in line with the goals set out by the EU Chips Act.

The European Union has enacted a comprehensive set of measures to strengthen the EU’s semiconductor ecosystem through the European Chips Act. The proposed actions include investments in next-generation technologies, greater access across Europe to design tools and pilot lines for the prototyping, testing and experimentation of cutting-edge chips, and furthermore, the fostering of skills, talent and innovation in microelectronics.

In this context, a consortium of fourteen partners led by Tyndall National Institute launched the INFRACHIP project.


Aims and benefits of INFRACHIP

INFRACHIP is to implement the first integrated, distributed research infrastructure as a wider European research platform for the sustainable development of next-generation and future semiconductor chips. Running for a planned period of 4 years, INFRACHIP will provide guidance and access to its users, mobilising a critical mass of people. INFRACHIP will provide access to knowledge and technology blocks through leading experts. INFRACHIP addresses the need of capital investment in state-of-the-art equipment to address the EU’s twin digital and green transition and ensure Europe’s capacity to innovate at the early to medium technology readiness levels.

INFRACHIP builds on existing RI communities, namely ASCENT+ on Nanoelectronics, EMERGE on Sustainable Flexible Electronics and EnABLES on Powering the Internet of Things (IoT). It aims at advancing the state-of-the-art, by supporting comprehensive user projects for multi and trans-disciplinary path-finding research on sustainable Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) driven by the secure edge. These challenge-driven projects will target the introduction of new materials, proof-of-concept and feasibility studies of new manufacturing processes or disruptive technologies.

To accelerate the translation of results from the lab to the fab, INFRACHIP will channel project activities to Testing and Experimentation Facilities, European Digital Innovation Hubs and Pilot Lines. It will also develop talent and train a skilled workforce through its Research Accelerator Programme and additional hands-on courses and education resources to support early career innovators and the semiconductor industry. As a whole, INFRACHIP will significantly contribute to research and innovation on capacity within the objectives of the European Chips Act.

INFRACHIP has received funding (2024-2027) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation actions under GA No. 101131822


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