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Conference in Prague: Synergies 2022

European Union instruments and forms of funding for research and innovation.

Photo from the conference synergies 2022

Synergies Konferenz in Prag, 2022, Foto: Konferenzarchiv

At the Synergies 2022 Conference, organised by the Czech EU Presidency, possibilities were discussed to coordinate the various instruments and forms of funding, that the EU makes available for research and innovation in the best possible way.

The discussions centred on the new policy approach of missions, which raises this question in a particularly pressing way.

Mag. Wolfgang Polt, Director of POLICIES, not only reported on the results of the relevant studies in which POLICIES was and is significantly involved, but also presented the TRAMI project, which is coordinated by POLICIES and is intended to support the implementation of the current five EU missions .

Conference video day 1


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