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POLICIES - survey for the Austrian Patent Office

The survey was based on interviews with national and international experts and an online survey of female customers of the Patent Office.

Federal state ranking of inventions 2021

Federal state ranking Number of invention applications at the Austrian Patent Office 2021 (2,480 in total), Image: Austrian Patent Office

The POLICIES Institute conducted a study for the Austrian Patent Office, in which the project team led by Daniel Wagner-Schuster, M.A.and Michael Ploder dealt with patent strategies of Austrian companies before and after the Covid pandemic. The Covid pandemic has led to a significant dip in patent applications, but this has been recovered after a short time. Start-ups in particular expect their IP activities to continue to develop dynamically in the future.


Pandemic as a driver for the development of new markets and digital business models

The Covid pandemic had the greatest impact on the development of new markets and digital business models.Both have contributed significantly to a marked increase in trade mark applications at the Austrian Patent Office (as well as the European Patent Office).


Michael Ploder
Director POLICIES, Head of Research Group
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