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Viewpoint: Horizon Europe missions are a long-term project

Wolfgang Polt, Director of the POLICIES Institute, is coordinator of the transnational cooperation TRAMI - TRAnsnational Cooperation on the MIssions approach - of the EU.

Direktor Wolfgang Polt / Policies - Institut für Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Innovationsforschung

POLICIES-Direktor Wolfgang Polt, Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Schwarzl

In Science Business  (3rd of October) 2023 Mag. Wolfgang Polt, director of Policies Institute reflects on the objectives of the Horizon Europe missions, the work to date and cooperation with policymakers.

“To deliver on their ambitious promises on climate and health, the goal-oriented research projects require a change in the political decision-making culture across Europe,” says Wolfgang Polt, who is leading the effort to promote transnational cooperation in support of the missions.

The EU mission project

Five missions that will shape European research in the coming years:


TRAMI brings together the stakeholders of the missions to network and learn from each other. Next March, a major event will be organised as part of the Belgian EU Council Presidency to gain an initial overview of the status of the missions.


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