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Development of tourism in rural areas

Panel discussion at the 6th International Rural Tourism Congress

Bild Podiumsdiskussion

Entwicklung des Tourismus im ländlichen Raum, Podiumsdiskussion 6th International Rural Tourismus, Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Hans Embacher, Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Embacher

The 6th International Congress on Rural Tourism took place from 10 to 13 April 2024 in Podstrana, Split, Croatia. Organised by various academic and regional tourism organisations, the event focused on sustainable and innovative approaches in rural tourism. Topics such as the use of new technologies, challenges in human resource management and strategies for inclusive tourism were discussed.

Andreas Niederl had the opportunity to discuss "The development of smart rural tourism in Europe" in a panel discussion together with Carolina Clark from the European Institute for Cultural Routes, Karolina Taczanowska from BOKU Vienna, Ljupcho Janevski from the Faculty of Tourism at the University of Skopje, Darija Tankosić from Smartvill - smart villages of Europe and Ivana Jurić, Director of the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board.


Mag. Andreas Niederl
Deputy Research Group leader
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