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Projects -  

AMS Job Barometer: Job demand in Austria




Total project duration:

5 years

Labour market analyses of occupational demand based on job advertisements
AMS JobBarometer

AMS JobBarometer, Foto: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Bergmann

The project

Which professions will be important in the future? 

The labour market is continuously evolving. Some professions are becoming more important, while others are losing significance. Moreover, entirely new professions may emerge. Additionally, the requirements for professions are changing.

The AMS JobBarometer indicates which professions are sought after by companies and what skills, abilities, and competencies are in demand. It serves as guidance for job searching, education, and further training. Various professions and the associated competencies can be compared. We create an objective basis for career counselling.

Our activities in the project

We provide scientific support with statistical methods for the AMS JobBarometer, a product of the AMS Austria. The forecast of labour demand by AMS occupational subgroups is primarily based on trends (developments of the recent past), the demand for labour as reflected through AMS and eJob-Room advertisements, as well as through (supplementary) online advertisements (data platform 'Jobfeed'). We can represent the current significance based on the actual volume of advertisements.

Keine Datei zugewiesen.

AMS - Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich

Details of the project

The AMS JobBarometer is a comprehensive online information system on career and skills trends in Austria. It is aimed at AMS employees, journalists and those responsible in politics and business as well as people who are about to make a decision about their professional future. Due to the wealth of data it contains, its topicality, its forecasting function and, last but not least, its clear presentation, it is a valuable tool for all those who are interested - privately or professionally - in developments in the labour market and skills requirements.

As such, this tool can help to anticipate medium-term changes in the domestic labour market in order to prepare for structural changes in terms of work and education.

Funding organisation

Project participants

Eric Kirschner
Deputy Director POLICIES at the Carinthia location, Head of Research Group

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