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Data Fusion Across Traditional and Social Media

Beteiligte Autoren der JOANNEUM RESEARCH:
Rogova, Galina; Scott, Peter
Bailer, Werner; Kienast, Gert; Thallinger, Georg; Backfried, Gerhard
Crises and disasters are covered continuously and without interruption by today’s media, especially social media. There is not a single significant occurrence within the flow of events which they do not document. Consequently, the information contained in media—especially social media like Facebook and Twitter—provides an often neglected potential which should not be overlooked. Through fusion of sources, diverse, mixed, and complementary types of information can be tapped into and combined. The difficulty of this process is to view, channel, prepare, and exploit this inhomogeneous and enormous amount of information. Automatic monitoring of traditional as well as social media sources allows to deriving risk factors and risk indicators for crises and disaster events quickly. Intelligence derived from this process allows for earlier and swifter reaction to potential situations of crisis and interrelationships. Current publicly described technical and electronic infrastructure for national and international crisis and disaster management is not able to perform comprehensive analyses of all media channels automatically. The continuous developments in the areas of multimedia and social media demand the creation of adequate methods of processing. Relevant manifestations of events are to be identified automatically from documents from traditional (TV, radio, web) as well as social media and document clusters of the examined multimedia documents are to be presented to situational awareness experts. The focus of the Quelloffene IntegrierteMultimedia Analyse (QuOIMA) project is on the research on and development of algorithms and methods to achieve this goal. Automatic analysis of content in the multimedia and social media domain forms a fundamental innovation. From a technical, social studies, and scientific point of view, the targeted insights and findings of this project, form a fundamental contribution to security research, reaching far beyond the quality of existing systems. The integration of findings regarding situational awareness will provide more realistic risk assessment increasing their possibilities to (re)act. End users extend their expertise and as a consequence the ability of the overall organizations to act.
Data Fusion Across Traditional and Social Media
Herausgeber (Verlag):
Springer International Publishing
213 - 227


Springer International Publishing
Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management: Higher Level Fusion and Decision Making
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