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Robotics as an answer to staff shortages in the tourism industry

With the HotelRob project, the Institute of Robotics and Flexible Production (ROBOTICS) at JOANNEUM RESEARCH is developing a customised technological solution to the staff shortage in the hotel industry and on campsites. The use of service robots can relieve existing staff and ensure service quality.

Kaffeegeschirr wird von einem Roboter trasnsportiert.

Robotik kann die Antwort auf Personalmangel in der Tourismusbranche sein. Credit: JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Bergmann

In many tourism businesses in Carinthia, the shortage of skilled labour is leading to reduced opening hours and an overworked workforce. "Customised service robots can be used in a variety of ways: They welcome guests, guide them to their rooms or pitches, transport luggage and take over room service tasks when there are bottlenecks," explain Clara Fischer and Michael Rathmair from ROBOTICS. Robots can also provide entertainment, for example by assisting at reception or serving drinks. Another advantage of robot technology is its flexibility. Guests have the option of using the robots' services according to their own needs. The application of this technology aims to increase the level of innovation and competitiveness of hotel and campsite businesses.

ROBOTICS' support includes not only providing the technology, but also planning and integrating the robots into operations. "We also offer rental options and carry out test runs to make implementation easier for businesses," say Fischer and Rathmair. "Depending on requirements, we adapt existing solutions or develop new prototypes."

Die Unterstützung durch ROBOTICS umfasst nicht nur die Bereitstellung der Technologie, sondern auch die Planung und Integration der Roboter in den Betriebsablauf. „Wir bieten auch Mietoptionen und führen Testdurchläufe durch, um den Betrieben die Implementierung zu erleichtern“, so Fischer und Rathmair. „Je nach Bedarf passen wir bestehende Lösungen an oder entwickeln neue Prototypen.“

Anton Scheibelmasser, Director of the Institute, adds: "Our research in the field of automation and robotics offers innovative solutions for industries affected by demographic change and a shortage of skilled labour. Robots can provide significant support, especially for less attractive, repetitive tasks."



Dr Michael Rathmair
Deputy Director ROBOTICS, Head of research group
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