Forschungskompetenz - 

About us

We develop application-oriented solutions for flexible digitalised production: from functional modelling and simulation to economic evaluation and system implementation. We also focus on performance optimisation and a valid robot safety assessment.

We develop innovative technology solutions in the field of robotics and flexible production. Our interdisciplinary team of around 20 researchers in Klagenfurt focusses on industrial robotics, mobile manipulation and robot safety. The ROBOTICS Solution Centre, our research laboratory for application-oriented robotics and automation systems, provides the ideal conditions for this, and we develop innovative technology solutions in the field of robotics and flexible production.

We are your partner when it comes to...

...finding solutions for industrial robot system technologies and production automation and implementing them in an industrial context.

...develop digitalisation projects and optimise your production. be the interface between university research and industry. enhance the qualifications of your employees in robotics.


What we work on

  • Development of flexible production solutions
  • Assessment of machine and robot safety
  • Functional modelling and simulation
  • Economic and performance optimisation
  • Feasibility studies


Space for more

Our 1,200m² research and development area in the Lakeside Science & Technology Park also provides ample space for the ROBOTICS Evaluation Lab and the ROBOTICS Training Center.

The ROBOTICS Evaluation Lab is a specially equipped measurement laboratory for traceable and valid measurement of biofidelic stresses in contact situations between humans and robots.

With the ROBOTICS Training Center, we offer you customised further training measures that expand and deepen your specialist knowledge in the field of robotics.


Anton Scheibelmasser
Dr Michael Rathmair
Deputy Director ROBOTICS, Head of research group


Bernhard Holzfeind
ICT and ROBOTICS Solution Center
Mag.<sup>a</sup> Simone Jaschinski
Assistance to the management and project controlling
Mag.<sup>a</sup> Stefanie Jeroutschitsch, MA (Karenz)
Project controlling
MMag.<sup>a</sup> Tanja Stark, BSc
Assistance to the management and project controlling
Michael Sumper-Sabitzer
ROBOTICS Solution Center
Claudia Weltin, BSc, MA
Institute for Robotics and Flexible Production

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